Monday, 17 April 2017

Brush Me

Brush Me World were nice enough to contact me and offer a discount code for you guys. They sell amazing teeth whitening products that are all natural and cruelty-free. These products are suitable for vegans and smell amazing! All you do is apply a small amount to your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it 2-3 times a week for pearly whites ready for a summer smile. A lot of teeth whitening products can be quite harsh on sensitive teeth so I love that this product is gentle and easy to use.

Purchase here and use the code PROMO30 for 30% off!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Spring Shining

The warmer it gets, the better life feels. If you're like me and are cold all the time (I'm always carrying an extra layer) then you know how slightly sad yet crucial it is to judge the weather and layer accordingly. So far, I've found cosy jumpers to be a good shout so I don't have to wear a jacket but I'm layered enough to be comfortable and neither too hot or cold.

Outfit details are below as usual.

Jumper// Topman
Leggings // Primark
Shoes // Vans