I've had these images for a little while now, but before I cold get them up the weather became a lot colder and they just didn't feel relevant or appropriate. Since the sun has been making more of an appearance and warmer temperatures are on their way, I thought it only fitting I finally share.
I purchased this denim jacket from Topshop last Summer but didn't get very much wear out of it as I got it towards the end before the A/W stock started filling up all the shelves. It's got distressed patches on certain areas including the pocket which I think is a really nice touch. Unfortunately, they are not stocking the same jacket this season, but I've linked the most similar now down below for you all; it's pretty much the sam, just without the distressed touch. I've also got some badges handy to change the jacket up when I start getting more wear out of it.
Everything else you've all seen before, just styled a little differently. Product details will be below as usual.
Jacket // Topshop (Similar)
Turtleneck // H&M (Similar)
Cigarette Pants // Topshop (Alternative)
Shoes // Converse
Bag // ASOS (Similar)